Academic Honesty

Students in Xavier University online courses are expected to adhere to the standards of academic honesty described in the University Catalog.

The pursuit of truth demands high standards of personal honesty. Academic and professional life requires a trust based upon integrity of the written and spoken word. Accordingly, violations of certain standards of ethical behavior will not be tolerated at Xavier University. These include cheating, plagiarism, falsification of records for academic gain, collusion, copyright infringement, or abuse of physical or intellectual property or use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI).

All work submitted for academic evaluation must be the student’s own. Certainly, the activities of other scholars will influence all students. However, the direct and unattributed use of another’s efforts is prohibited as is the use of any work untruthfully submitted as one’s own.

Penalties for violations of this policy may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: a written warning, academic integrity training, a zero or an “F” for that assignment or test, an “F” in the course, university probation, suspension, or expulsion from the University. This violation is to be submitted to the dean of the college of the student’s major(s), via the Academic Integrity reporting system, though the instructor has full authority to assign the grade for the assignment, test, or course; the dean has full authority to assign university-level penalties. If disputes of interpretation arise the student, faculty member, and appropriate chair/program director/school director should attempt to resolve the difficulty. If this is unsatisfactory, the dean will rule in the matter. As a final appeal, the Provost or their designee(s) will make a final determination.

University Catalog, updated fall 2023

When you are given access to Canvas — the learning management system where your online courses will be hosted — you are expected to keep confidential your username and password. Do not allow anyone else to log in to your account. It is considered a breach of academic integrity to share access or login information.

Within your online courses, it is expected that you produce your own work, complete course assignments yourself, and take exams and quizzes without help from others. Your instructors may designate windows of time when it is possible for work to be submitted or may have time limits on exams to help ensure adherence to academic honesty expectations.

More information can be found on the Academic Integrity website.